Bakersfield Back to Baking Demo with Chef Kazzie Sy

Chef Kazzie Sy and the team of Bakersfield Philippines visited the Love2bake Kitchen Studio last June 28, 2019 for a baking demo of back to school treats including Mango Cupcakes, Rainbow Caramel Cupcakes, Banana Chocolate Cake Pops and Yema con Ube-Langka Tartlets.

It was a rainy afternoon full of new baking learnings and ideas to all the lucky participants. Everyone also got to take home all the delectable treats made by Chef Kazzie using premium Bakersfield products that include chocolates, whip cream paste, cake fillings, flavorings, and premixes, and loot bags from Bakersfield.

To know more about Bakersfield Philippines and how it has made the lives of bakers so much easier, please check their website:

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